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Disaster Loan Assistance

Universal Doctor 2020.03.25 13:40 조회 수 : 428046

Disaster Loan Assistance

Federal Disaster Loans for Businesses, Private Nonprofits, Homeowners, and Renters

The Disaster Loan Assistance Portal Apply Online functionality is temporarily unavailable.

To apply for disaster assistance, fill out the applicable paper forms listed below. These completed forms may be uploaded electronically using this link.

Alternatively, you may mail them to:
U.S. Small Business Administration
Processing and Disbursement Center
14925 Kingsport Rd.
Ft. Worth, TX 76155-2243

Or you may email them to: disasterloans@sba.gov.

SBA Disaster Home / Sole Proprietor Loan Application (paper forms)
Please see attachments below to download corresponding forms.

SBA Disaster Business Loan Application (paper forms)
Below are instructions for the SBA Disaster Business Loan Application (paper forms). Please see attachments below to download corresponding forms.

All required documents listed in Filing Requirements must be returned. All forms requiring signature must be signed and dated. Incomplete applications will not be accepted.

If you have any questions, please contact 1-800-659-2955 or (TTY) (800) 877-8339

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